Geo Page

Movicon.NExT supports a Geo Page feature which integrates geographic maps and geo-localization managements in screens.  This feature is used for creating geo-localized projects to handle maps on screens that can be used to navigate and integrate dynamic data from the project.


A connection to the internet services is required in order to use maps in projects. Movicon uses the Microsoft BingĀ®  Maps services for default that are subject to the license terms of use as stipulated by Microsoft at link:

However the cartographics and map service provider can be changed to for example or other.

For further information please see the relating documentation.





This is an example of a geo-localization page with dynamic values.



Configuring GeoPages using the Project's properties

The project's properties can be used to define:


  1. By selecting the Geopage option in the 'Startup Page Type' property, the project will startup directly showing the map, as shown in the above image,  instead of a Screen.  If you choose not to use the GeoPage as the startup page, you can open it by simply associating an "Open Map" command to a button or an event to do so.



  1. The "Latitude" properties that identify in which predefined  position to open the map.
  2. The "GeoMap Type" property is used to pick which map to use.  The choices are: Road Map, Geographic and hybrid.



Configuring GeoPages with Layout Screens

Layout screens can be used to display geographic maps in the project whether displayed at startup or displayed by using a command.  In this case, the map will be considered like any other Screen displayed in the centre and other layout screens can be used for other functions, like the one shown below, by coordinating and integrating them in the Project appropriately.


Latitude and Longitude Selection Tool

Movicon provides a selection tool called "Geo Localization Editor" to facilitate the identification of the Latitude and Longitude properties.  This tool can be access from the Options > Edit Geo Location or from the optional "Project" toolbar which displays the window below:



This window is used to navigate around the map and when clicking on any point, the tool will give the Latitude and Longitude coordinates.  It is also possible to enter a specific address by typing it in the "Address" edit box and then confirm with the "Search" key.  The map will automatically go to the position of the geographic address and return the Latitude and Longitude values.

The selected coordinate values can then be used in the project's properties.