Movicon.NExT Help on Line - Rel. 4.2.355
This topic shows you how to transfer the project to a remote device after having configured the Deploy Server as described in the previous topics.
The steps to deploy the project correctly are:
- check the project type and toolbox objects used on screens.
- convert project to SVG
- open Deploy window
- connect to the device's Deploy Server and transfer components
Warning! WebHMI exportation does not support child projects saved on db. When wishing to proceed in deploying projects with child projects the following dialog window will appear:
You will therefore need to move the project saved on db to a folder in order to also convert its child projects to svg.
Property: Project Type
The "Project Type" property is one of the project properties that is used to set the project as a "WebHMI" type.
When setting the project as "WebHMI", the Project Explorer, Toolbox and Animation Explorer and Command windows will only show the resources, animation objects and commands that are supported while visualizing and using Web Client WebHMI.
This property setting is particularly useful when:
planning to develop a project that includes only those functions supported by WebHMI,
needing to verify the compatibility of a previously developed project with WebHMI visualization. Any objects and symbols used in the project and not supported by WebHMI will be highlighted as shown in the screenshot below.
Project Conversion
To deploy a project in remote HMI, simply select the command from the Options > Create WebClient (SVG/HTML5) menu or select Create WebClient (SVG/HTML5) from the project's toolbar that starts the project's export to SVG:
Once the export process has terminated, you will be prompted to confirm whether or not to deploy and run the Web Server and Project on remote HMI as shown below:
Selecting "Yes", a Deploy Project window will open as indicated in the next paragraph.
The Deploy Project Window and Remote HMI Control
The Deploy Project window allows you to deploy the project on the HMI along with the I/O Data Server and Web Server which are needed to run the WebHMI locally on the HMI.
Profile Info
This section allows you to define different connection profiles, such as for Deploy Servers of different devices for instance.
Profile name: the profile name which is an unique identifier used by the developer to distinguish the various profiles.
User: user name with which to connect to the target HMI's Deploy Server.
Password: password to use for connecting to the target HMI's Deploy Server.
Host: HMI's IP address or host name, including the Deploy Server port (E.g:
Overwrite Retentive Files: retentive data in the device will be overwritten with those in the project during the project deployment phase. The retentive files are located in the project folders:
From this section it is possible to manage the connection to the Deploy Server, control the Runtime components and manage the license on the remote device.
Connect/Disconnect: This allows you to connect/disconnect from the HMI's Deploy Server. While connecting to the target machine, the client will check and verify whether there are any processes started up belonging to project other than the current one and, in if so, the user will be asked, by means of a popup window as shown below, whether they should be replaced. If user confirms this, all the pre-existing processes in the device of the different projects will be aborted. Otherwise, they will remain unchanged.
Deploy Project and Server: deploys the Project, I/O Data Server and WebHMI's Web Server on the target HMI.
Cancel Remote Project: this cancels the project on the target HMI.
Server Startup: Starts all the services on the target HMI.
Advanced Server Startup: allows the execution of each Runtime component to be started up or stopped.
Remote License Info > Check Remote License: displays the remote HMI's active license options and Site Code
Remote License Info > Install Remote License: this allows the software license to be installed on the remote HMI.
When first connecting to the Target HMI and after the Self Signed certificate has been accepted, you will be asked to download the I/O Data Server, the WebHMI's Web Server and the project. If they are already present on the HMI, you will be asked if you wish to update them.
Upload Info:
This section reports the progress of the transfer in progress.
Remote Device Info:
This shows information on the remote device's processes and operating system.
Scheduled Processes: shows the process running on the remote HMI and CPU and RAM usage.
Process Output: reports the actual Syslog file contents on the remote device.
OS Description: shows the versions of the installed Runtime components and information on the HMI's operating system.
Connecting with Browser
The project is deployed by the integrated Web Server on ports 5000 (http) and 5001 (https).
The default configuration requires that the request received on port 5000 be automatically redirected to port 5001. To change these settings please refer to chapter on "Integrated Web Server Settings" .
The following addresses can be used to access pages exposed by the Web Server:
It is also possible to open a different screen to use as the start page instead of the one defined as the Main Page in the project. To do this simply add the name of the screen to be opened to the url using the following syntax:
where <ScreenName> is the name of the Screen without an extension. If the screen is inside a folder, the name of that folder should also be specified.
Ultimately, a parameter file can also be passed while loading the specified screen. In order to do this, you must add the name of the parameter file to the url after the name of the screen:
where <ParameterName> is the name of the Parameter file without an extension. If the parameter file is inside a folder, you should also specify the name of that folder.
In addition, the WebHMI page can be opened by performing user logon directly from the URL. To do this, simply add the username and password to the URL using the following syntax:
where <UserName> is the name of the user who will logon and the <UserPassword> is the user's password.
User logon can also be performed using a specific screen as follows:¶meter=Parmeter1&user=User1&psw=12345