Movicon.NExT Help on Line - Rel. 4.2.355
The WebHMI's integrated Web Server settings can be changed by editing the "appsettings.json" file which is found in "C:\Program Files\Progea\Movicon.NExT 4.0\WebHMIServer\"
The customizations available are listed below in the following paragraphs.
Changing the listening port (default 5000 and 5001)
The default listening port can be changed by modifying the values of the "HttpListeningPort" and "HttpsListeningPort" parameters.
Deactivation of the http or https protocol
When necessary, it is possible to select and set the respective parameter to zero of either the http or https protocol to deactivate it.
For example: HttpsListeningPort": 0
Deactivating the redirection from port 5000 to port 5001 (active for default)
The redirection from port 5000 to port 5001 can be deactivated by adding the "DisableHttpsRedirection" parameter to the "WebNExTHMISettings" group and setting it to True come as shown in the image below.
Using a customized SSL certificate
A customized certificate can be used in substitution of the automatically generated self-signed certificate by adding the following rows to the "appsettings.json" file:
"Kestrel": {
"Endpoints": {
"HTTP": { "Url": "http://*:5000" },
"HTTPS": {
"Url": "https://*:5001",
"Certificate": {
"Path": "certificate_file.pfx",
"Password": "certificate_password"
where "certificate_file.pfx" is the name of the certificate including the absolute path.
It is possible to use a relative path with respect to the "WebNExTHMI.exe" executable, as in the example.
Debug Information
The level of log information can be recorded in the console by modifying the "appsettings.json" file in the "Logging" => "LogLevel" section, by replacing the "Information" field with the "Debug" field as in this following example:
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Debug",
"System": "Debug",
"Microsoft": "Debug",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Debug",
"DevExpress": "Debug"