Movicon.NExT Help on Line - Rel. 4.2.355
The Historian Log Viewer displays various messages recorded by the platform's Historian
The Historian records all the project's events (Alarms, System Messages, Driver Messages) that occur during runtime chronologically (It loads data from the "UFUAAuditLogItem" table which contains project alarm and system events).
The events that can be recorded by the Historican are:
System operations (system operator manoeuvres).
System diagnostics (autodiagnosis, Driver diagnosis).
Project Alarms and Messages in 4 possible states (ON, OFF, ACK and RST).
User Log Ons and Log Offs.
Basic Script logic messages by means of using the "Debug.Print" functionality.
Messages coming from other applications established by the programmer.
This allows you to display and assign a variable to the selected object as described in topic: "Assigning Tags to objects".
Expression and Reverse Expressions
This allows you to set the expression with Excel 2013 syntax whose result will be displayed in the object.
Movicon.NExT supports the possibility to specify and assign one individual bit of a tag or one individual element of an Array tag as described in topic: "Pointing to Variable Bits and Array Variable Elements"
or to define a formula as described in topic: "other expressions"
Database Viewer
Layout Configuration
This allows you to edit the object's graphical layout.
Filter Event Type
This is used to set the event type for which messages will be loaded and displayed in the window.
Filter Type
This is used to set which filter to use according to the period of time wished to be examined.
Max Rows Nr.
Maximum number or rows (records) to be shown in the window.
Start Time Filter
This is used to set when to start sampling data.
End Time Filter
This is used to set when to finish sampling data.
Show Best Fit Button
Enabling this will show the best fit button on the Historian Log Viewer object's top bar and which can be used to automatically adjust columns to fit within the object.
Show Group Box
Enabling this will show the group box.
Show Search Box
Enabling this will show the Search box.
Show Filter Box
Enabling this will show the filter box.
Show Command Buttons
Enabling this will show the command buttons.
DB Connection String
This is used to set a connection string to the database.
Database Connection Timeout
This is used to set a DB connection timeout, after which the connection will be disconnected (default 30s).
User Based Runtime Settings
When enabled, this option permits the object's style to be customized based on user.
Background Color
This is used to set the container's background color.
Text Color
This is used to set the object's text color.
Border Color
This is used to set the color of the object's border.
Horizontal Content Alignment (Advanced)
This is used to horizontally align all the contents within the object.
Vertical Content Alignment (Advanced)
This is used to vertically align all the contents within the object.
Disable Anti-Aliasing (Advanced)
This is used to Enable/Disable the Anti-aliasing function.
Font Size
This is used to set the size of the selected font.
Font Family
This is used to set a font type to use for text.
Font Style
This is used to set the style for the selected font. The options are:
Font Weight
This is used to select the thickness of the selected font.
Set Font based on Language
This property is used to define a specific Font to be used by the object at runtime for each of the project's languages. In this way, the object will apply the desired Font according to which language is activated.
One or more languages defined in the project can be added to the edit list and each one can be set with a custom Font which includes the following characteristics:
Font Family
Font Size
Font Style
Font Weight
When activating a language that has not been defined in the object's FontSettings list, the object's Font will remain with the one that is already activated.
Apart from being purely aesthetic, this property also allows you to choose the most appropriate Font for each of the different languages used in the project. For example, a particular text font may appear longer in one language than in another and, therefore, will need to be changed with a different FontSize or a more appropriate FontFamily.
When deploying the project for WebHMI Runtime, you will need to make sure that the Font associated to the "Font Family" also resides in the target device. To allow the Deploy tool to transfer the Font to the target device, you will need to:
a) copy the Font's .TTF file to the local WebHMI service's "WebHMIServer\wwwroot\fonts" Folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Progea\Movicon.NExT 4.1\WebHMIServer\wwwroot\fonts"). The "fonts" folder must be created manually if not present.
b) rename the .TTF file so that it reports the "FontName" in full (matching the property exported in the project's "Screen" folder's "<NomeSinottico>.controls" file when deployed.
Event Area Font Settings
This is used to set the font type for the event area.
Header Font Settings
This is used to set the font type for the column headers.
X Position
This is used to set the object's horizontal position in pixels.
Y Position
This is used to set the object's vertical position in pixels.
This is used to change the object's width.
This is used to change the object's height.
Lock Object Position
This locks the object's position on screen.
Border Thickness (Advanced)
This is used to set the container's border thickness.
Margin (Advanced)
This is used to set the object's margins.
This is used to set the object's transparency level.
Visible on Web Client
This makes the object visible on Web Client.
Visibility (Advanced)
This is used to enable the object's visibility.
Visibility Layer Level (Advanced)
This is used to set the mask that determines the object's visibility.
Zoom Level Visibility X (Advanced)
This is used to set the zoom factor on the x axis after which the object will become visible on screen.
Zoom Level Visibility Y (Advanced)
This is used to set the zoom factor on the y axis after which the object will become visible on screen.
This is a list of the general properties which are the same for objects and draws:
This allows you to set which text to display in the object.
This is used to set the text to be displayed when the user keeps the mouse pointer on the control.
For the objects of the "Trend" category, if the property "Fit to window" is set in the synoptic, it will not be possible to display the Tooltip window on WebHMI. |
This property is not supported in Webclient (WPF/HTML5) |
Menu Activation
This allows you to set the name of the contextual menu that shows when right clicking the object (not available in WebHMI).
Is Interactive
When enabled, this allows you to interact with the object, or part of it (e.g. the text contained within it).
Runtime Configurable
Selecting this will show a toolbar which will allow you to save and load configurations done at runtime.
Menu with Left button
This enables the contextual menu to show by also using the left mouse key (not available in WebHMI).
Enabling this will enable you to set the desired value by clicking directly on the marker/bar.
UI Elements Direction Flow
This allows you to set the direction of the text within the object.
TAB Stop
This makes the object selectable at runtime by using the TAB button.
Enable UI
This is enabled for default to allow object user interactivity.
Is Focusable
Activates / Deactivates focus on the object.
Unit Converter
This is used to set a converter type for the variables associated to the object. If not already done so, set the Unit Converter resource appropriately before applying this property.
Enable Touch Manipulation
This is used to activate the object's manipulation options while in runtime.
Enable Mouse Over
This is used to enable the "Mouse Over" option to move the mouse on the object at Runtime.
Execute Any Enabled Command
When this property is set with the True value, all the listed enabled commands associated to the button will always be executed. When setting this property with the False value, the commands will be executed only when all are executable. For example, if the list includes a "Tag Value" command type which sets a value in a Tag and the "Execute any Enabled Command" is set to False, the command list will only be executed if the Tag is correctly connected and when its quality if 'Good'. However, If the property is set to True and the Tag does not have a 'Good' quality, all the other commands will be executed all the same.
Show Tooltip When Disabled
Enabling this property will show the tootip even when the object is disabled.
Force as Dynamic on Client
Enables/Disables the object's animations on Client side.
Use IntelliSense
This is active for default. When disabled, you will need to access variables using "GetVariableValue" and "SetVariableValue". This option is deactivated to improve performances when opening screens.
Speech Command
This is used to assign a speech command to be used at runtime for executing the corresponding action.
Preserve Language Font Settings
This property is used to define a specific Font to be used by the object at runtime for each individual project language. In this way and according to the language that is activated in the project, the object will apply the desired Font set here.
One or more languages defined in the project can be added to the edit list and each one can be customized with its own Font using the following settings:
Font Family
Font Size
Font Style
Font Weight
If a language is activated but not defined on the object's Language Font List, the object's Font will remain set with the one already activated.
In addition to being purely aesthetic, the function of this property is to allow you to select the Fonts most suited to the different languages used in the project. This is because text font used in one language may appear longer in another and, therefore, may need to be changed to a more appropriate FontFamily or FontSize.
Preserve Style
This is used to preserve the values of the local style property group when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve code
This is used to preserve basic script code of the local style properties when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve Custom Control Properties
This allows the values of specific control properties to be preserved when the object is updated from the library. These properties are generally those of the object in question, for example, these may be the "Unit of Measure", "Enabe Spin" and "Spin Step" properties of a Edit Display or the "Marker Style", "Needle Style" and "Gauge Scale Radius" properties of a Gauge.
Preserve Colors
This is used to preserve the values of the local color property group when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve Size
This is used to preserve the values of the local size property group when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve Commands
This is used to preserve the list of commands when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve Animations
This is used to preserver the list of animations when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve Menu
This is used to preserve the set contextual menu, when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve Expression
This is used to preserve the value conversion expression, when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve Security
This is used to preserve the values of the security property group when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve Visibility
This is used to preserve the values of the visibility property group when the object is updated from the library. As regards to project symbols that are created by the user, this option interacts with the "Visibility Level", "Zoom Level Visibility X" and "Zoom Level Visibility Y" properties.
Preserve Tag
This is used to preserve the connected tag when the object is updated from the library.
Preserve Text
This is used to preserve the added text string when the object is updated from the library.
User Access
Access Level
This is used to set the object with a hierarchical user access level as set by the User Password management in order to allow users to interact with it .
User Access Role
This is used to set the name of the user password group to allow users to interact with the object.
Access Level from Tag
This is used to set the hierarchical user level requested to allow user interaction with this object by inheriting it from the tag connected to it.
Readable Access Mask
This is used to set the access mask level in read for the object. The object will not be visible if the connected user's access mask does not correspond to the one which the object has been set with.
Writable Access Area
This is used to set the access mask in write for the object. If the connected user's access mask does not correspond to the one set in the object, they will not be able to change the tag value.
Configurable Write Access Level
This is used to set the minimum access level allowed for editing/configuring the object at runtime.
Configurable Write Access Mask
This is used to set the access area to allow the objected to be edited/configured at runtime.
This property gives access to the window containing dynamic animation commands that can be associated to the object.
This property gives you access to the window containing commands that can be associated to this object.
These two property groups are used to access the respective Animations and Commands groups relating to the selected object.
If you cannot see these properties in the Properties Window, make sure that the "Easy Mode" function has been deactivated by using the relevant button on the object's property toolbar. |