Movicon.NExT Help on Line - Rel. 4.2.355
Movicon.NExT Object and Symbol animations can be set using the "Animation Explorer" window. This is done by associating Tags that determine the symbol or object's graphical animation during Runtime.
The reference tag name can be specified for each animation inserted in the object by using the object's "Tag" property. In cases when no Tag has been specified for each individual animation, the object will use the reference Tag it has been associated with (see paragraph: "Assigning Tags to Objects"). |
Configuring animations
To configure the animation of an object proceed as follows:
Open a screen and select the desired graphical object.
Call the "Animation Explorer" window.
On the left side of the window there is a list of available animations that can be used. Click the animation you wish to use for the object.
Clicking the animation will add it to the list ready for configuring.
After having added the desired animation, proceed with configuring its parameters.
A number of animations can be added to one object.
Configuring animations in several objects
When multi-selecting a number of objects, you will be able to insert the desired animation in each one.
The "Animation Explorer" window will open with as many Tabs as there are selected objects (each one with the name of the object). When selecting one of the Tabs, the Animation List of the object represented by the Tag will activate for editing.
Animations can be copied from one object to the next by using the Copy, Copy All and Paste buttons.