Alarm Visualization

During the Project Runtime phase the active alarms can be viewed through the "Alarm Window" object or the "Alarm Banner" object on screen.


The Server module in your machine will automatically connect to Alarm Viewers inserted on screens.

However, it is also possible to connect the "Alarm Viewer" to a different Server module to the one already in use the running project, for example,  to retrieve alarms from one network Server to another project or third party. To achieve this simply specify the Alarm Viewer's reference Server by using the "OPC UA Browser" window in the desired Server and drag the Server onto the Alarm Viewer.



Alarm Window Object

The Alarm Window object, available from the Toolbox, is used for listing active project alarms. In addition to viewing alarms the Alarm Window can be used for performing other operations by using the buttons described below:



When the Alarm Window Object is used by the ”Web Client HTML5”, only the “Ack All”, “Reset All” and “Refresh” buttons are available for use but not the "Search" tool, scroll bars, column resizer and filter with clauses even though they are still visible.


The data displayed in columns in the Alarm Window are: