Movicon.NExT Help on Line - Rel. 4.2.355
The visualization of graphical pages on the HTML5 Web Client side is limited in how it functions due to its intrinsic Web and Cross Platform features and which must be taking into consideration by the user when designing their project.
Based on the project's needs on the Client side the user should assess whether to use the Web Client or Desktop Client technology or even the Terminal Server technology (Remote Desktop).
Some architectures have both advantages and disadvantages that must be assessed in function with project needs.
Attention! It is important that the project designer, who is responsible for making the project completely usable by Web Clients, take into full consideration existing web architecture restrictions in order to provide the user with the right functionalities they need. |
To resolve eventual references to the Movicon ToolBox assembly in project scripts correctly, you will need to copy the entire ToolBox folder, contained in the Movicon installation folder (C:\ProgramData\Progea\Movicon.NExT.4.x), to the C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv" folder. |
Web Client side limitations
Please refer to the Topic on "Technical Specifications" in the Web Client section:
Using an antivirus that has online data traffic analysis functions might slow down the Web Client performances. Therefore it would be best to take into consideration that communication performances may be effected when the antivirus attempts to analyse or filter all the data packets transmitted by online protocols. If there are any problems it is advised to disable the antivirus's online data analysis while using the client (for example, you may have to disable the "online shield" function when using the AVG antivirus).
Page Refresh
The browser's page "refresh" command (F5), returns to the initial "Tile Page" and restarts the Web Client application.