Movicon.NExT Help on Line - Rel. 4.2.355
The Deploy Server consents to downloading the project and managing remote devices. As part of Its installation, the .NET Core versions needed for its execution will also be downloaded and installed. The Deploy Server can be installed on the main devices that mount:
Installing Deploy Server on Windows devices
The Deploy Server setup is available from the "DeployServer Setup" folder contained in the Movicon.NExT setup:
When launching the Setup, the prerequisites will be checked to see whether the .NET Core packets have been installed and which are needed to run the Deploy Server and the other Runtime components. If these prerequisites are missing, the Setup will download them from the Microsoft webisite and install them.
Once the prerequisites have been met, it will be possible to proceed with installing the Deploy Server by accepting the terms of the user license.
You will then be asked in which path to install the Deploy Server.
After this, it will possible to set the user and password to be used to connect to the Deploy Server (by means of the Deploy window) and the path in which the runtime components, such as the I/O Data Server and WebHMI Service, are to be installed on the device.
You can skip the last step of the setup which asks for user credentials and the target folder by launching the setup directly from the following command line: DeployServerNext.exe DEPLOYUSERNAME={username} DEPLOYPASSWORD={password} DEPLOYPATH={absolute_path} For example: DeployServerNext.exe DEPLOYPASSWORD=Password123$ DEPLOYPATH=C:\WebHMI |
Installing the Deploy Server on Linux device (ARM64)
In this section we will explain how to install the Movicon.NExT Deploy Server on ARM64 operating systems.
First download the script file.
sudo wget
Install the Deploy Server making the file executable:
sudo chmod +x deployServerInstaller
Run the file installer:
sudo ./deployServerInstaller
Start the Deploy Server manually
After having launched the "deployServerInstaller" file, the "" file will be created:
cd $HOME/moviconData/
Use this file to start the deploy server manually:
sudo ./
Start the Deploy Server start the Deploy Server automatically
If you want the Deploy server to start running when the operating system starts up, you should:
Create the service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/DeployServer.service
Check to see if any corrections need to be made to the two ‘WorkingDirectory’ and ‘ExecStart’ folders when those for default are not being used and copy/paste the following code in the editor:
[Unit] Description=Movicon NExT DeployServer [Service] WorkingDirectory=/moviconData ExecStart=dotnet /moviconData/ Restart=always RestartSec=2 SyslogIdentifier=DeployServer User=root Environment=ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production [Install]
Save and exit from the text editor.
Reload the system manager's configuration:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the service you have just created:
sudo systemctl enable DeployServer.service
Start the service:
sudo systemctl start DeployServer.service
Check the service's status:
sudo systemctl status DeployServer.service
You can connect to the Deploy server using the following credentials:
Password: MyPwd123!
The predefined passwords are provisional and used only for the initial setup or demo mode. Not changing these passwords will put security at serious risk! |
The username and password used for accessing the deploy server can be changed directly in the "deployServerInstaller" file downloaded in the "deployServer" folder before running it. |
Installing the Deploy Server on LinuxDocker devices
In this section we will explaing how to install the Movicon.NExT Deploy Server on Ubuntu 22.04 operating systems that use Docker technology.
Before going ahead with the installation procedures, please make sure that the Docker Engine is installed on the operating system. If this is not the case, the following paragraph will explain how to install the Docker Engine using the repositories:
Repository setup
Update the apt package index and install the packages that allow the apt package manager to use a repository in the HTTPS protocol using the Ubuntu "Terminal" window:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release -y |
Add the Docker's GPG key:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
Use the following command for the repository's setup:
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
Docker Engine Installation
Update the apt package index:
sudo apt-get update
Install the Docker Engine, Containerd and Docker Compose:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin -y
Check to see if the Docker Engine installation terminated successfully by running the "hello-world" image:
sudo docker run hello-world
For further info, please also see:
Movicon Deploy Server Installation
Download the "dockerfile" by first creating a new empty folder and call it "dockerFiles" and then select it:
sudo mkdir dockerFiles cd dockerFiles |
Download the "dockerfile" within the new folder:
sudo wget
Install the Deploy Server, creating an image by means of using the dockerfile instruction:
sudo docker build -t webhmi .
At this point, you will need to start up the Deploy Server Container, publishing the TCP ports and making sure that it always runs after a system restart:
sudo docker run -d --name MoviconWebHMI -p 5000:5000 -p 5001:5001 -p 5002:5002 -p 62841:62841 --restart always webhmi
The connection to the Deploy Server can be obtained by using the following credentials:
Password: MyPwd123!
The predefined passwords are provisional by default and are only used for the initial configuration or demo mode. System security will be put at risk if left unchanged! |
The username and password used can be changed to access the deploy server directly within the "" downloaded within the "deployServer" folder before running it. |
Installing the Deploy Server on Ubuntu (Linux) 16.04 devices
In this section we will explain how to install the Movicon.NExT Deploy Server on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS operating systems.
First download the script file.
sudo wget
Install the Deploy Server making the file executable:
sudo chmod +x deployServerInstaller
Run the file installer:
sudo ./deployServerInstaller
Start the Deploy Server manually
After having launched the "deployServerInstaller" file, the "" file will be created:
cd /moviconData/
Use this file to start the deploy server manually:
sudo ./
Start the Deploy Server start the Deploy Server automatically
If you want the Deploy server to start running when the operating system starts up, you should:
Create the service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/DeployServer.service
Check to see if any corrections need to be made to the two ‘WorkingDirectory’ and ‘ExecStart’ folders when those for default are not being used and copy/paste the following code in the editor:
[Unit] Description=Movicon NExT DeployServer [Service] WorkingDirectory=/moviconData ExecStart=dotnet /moviconData/ Restart=always RestartSec=2 SyslogIdentifier=DeployServer User=root Environment=ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production [Install]
Save and exit from the text editor.
Reload the system manager's configuration:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the service you have just created:
sudo systemctl enable DeployServer.service
Start the service:
sudo systemctl start DeployServer.service
Check the service's status:
sudo systemctl status DeployServer.service
You can connect to the Deploy server using the following credentials:
Password: MyPwd123!
The predefined passwords are provisional and used only for the initial setup or demo mode. Not changing these passwords will put security at serious risk! |
The username and password used for accessing the deploy server can be changed directly in the "deployServerInstaller" file downloaded in the "deployServer" folder before running it. |
Installing the Deploy Server on Ubuntu (Linux) 18.04 devices
In this section we will explain how to install the Movicon.NExT Deploy Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS operating systems.
First download this script file:
sudo wget
Install the Deploy Server making the file executable:
sudo chmod +x deployServerInstaller
Run the file installer:
sudo ./deployServerInstaller
Start the Deploy Server manually
Launch the "deployServerInstaller" file to create the "" file:
cd /moviconData/
This file can be used to start the Deploy Server manually:
sudo ./
Start the Deploy Server start the Deploy Server automatically
If you want the Deploy server to start running when starting up the operating system, you should:
Create the service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/DeployServer.service
Check to see if any corrections need to be made to the two ‘WorkingDirectory’ and ‘ExecStart’ folders when those for default are not being used and copy/paste the following code in the editor:
[Unit] Description=Movicon NExT DeployServer [Service] WorkingDirectory=/moviconData ExecStart=dotnet /moviconData/ Restart=always RestartSec=2 SyslogIdentifier=DeployServer User=root Environment=ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production [Install]
Save and exit from the text editor.
Reload the system manager's configuration:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the service you have just created:
sudo systemctl enable DeployServer.service
Start the service:
sudo systemctl start DeployServer.service
Check the service's status:
sudo systemctl status DeployServer.service
You can connect to the Deploy server using the following credentials:
Password: MyPwd123!
The predefined passwords are provisional and used only for the initial setup or demo mode. Not changing these passwords will put security at serious risk! |
The username and password used for accessing the deploy server can be changed directly in the "deployServerInstaller" file downloaded in the "deployServer" folder before running it. |
Installing the Deploy Server on Ubuntu (Linux) 20.04 devices
This section explains how to install the Movicon.NExT Deploy Server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS operating systems.
First download this script file:
sudo wget
Install the Deploy Server making the file executable:
sudo chmod +x deployServerInstaller
Run the file installer:
sudo ./deployServerInstaller
Start the Deploy Server manually
Launch the "deployServerInstaller" file to create the "" file:
cd /moviconData/
This file can be used to start the Deploy Server manually:
sudo ./
Start the Deploy Server start the Deploy Server automatically
If you want the Deploy server to start running when starting up the operating system, you should:
Create the service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/DeployServer.service
Check to see if any corrections need to be made to the two ‘WorkingDirectory’ and ‘ExecStart’ folders when those for default are not being used and copy/paste the following code in the editor:
[Unit] Description=Movicon NExT DeployServer [Service] WorkingDirectory=/moviconData ExecStart=dotnet /moviconData/ Restart=always RestartSec=2 SyslogIdentifier=DeployServer User=root Environment=ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production [Install]
Save and exit from the text editor.
Reload the system manager's configuration:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the service you have just created:
sudo systemctl enable DeployServer.service
Start the service:
sudo systemctl start DeployServer.service
Check the service's status:
sudo systemctl status DeployServer.service
You can connect to the Deploy server using the following credentials:
Password: MyPwd123!
The predefined passwords are provisional and used only for the initial setup or demo mode. Not changing these passwords will put security at serious risk! |
The username and password used for accessing the deploy server can be changed directly in the "deployServerInstaller" file downloaded in the "deployServer" folder before running it. |