Movicon.NExT Help on Line - Rel. 4.2.355
There is a series of Advanced Server Settings that can only be accessed by using the Property Window. This window permits expert users to change certain settings that determine how the Data Server functions.
For further information please see the chapter on "General Settings".
Server Application Name
Sets the name of application for OPC UA Server identification.
Manufacturer Name (Advanced)
Allows you to enter the manufacturer's name (published by the server)
Product Name (Advanced)
Allows you to enter the Product name (published by the server)
Product URI link (Advanced)
Allows you to set an URI for the product/manufacturer (published by the server)
Software Version (Advanced)
Allows you to enter the software Version (published by the server)
Build Number (Advanced)
Allow you to enter product build number (published by the server)
This group of properties concern those settings for the diagnostics and speech functions.
Default Data I/O Sampling Interval
Used to set the default minimum refresh rate for Tag value notifications from the server to the client. If no refresh time has been set in the client, the server will use this value set in milliseconds.
Enable Diagnostics (Advanced)
Allows you to enable the publication and management of diagnostic information on the server that clients can access.
Activating this option could have an impact on server performance, so it should be used with caution and only if strictly necessary and for debugging purposes. For example, with the option enabled, in projects with a large number of Tags defined in the Server Address Space, the Server startup may take several minutes. |
Speech Enabled (Advanced)
Enables the speech function for system message notifications.
Speech Voice Name (Advanced)
Sets the name of the speech engine.
"Slow" Tag Update Time (Advanced)
This is used to define the slow sampling interval value for Tags that have been set this family in the advanced "Sampling Interval" property from the Execution group as indicated in topic: "TAG Properties"
"Medium" Tag Update Time (Advanced)
This is used to define the medium sampling interval value for Tags that have been set this family in the advanced "Sampling Interval" property from the Execution group as indicated in topic: "TAG Properties"
"Fast" Tag Update Time (Advanced)
This is used to define the fast sampling interval value for Tags that have been set this family in the advanced "Sampling Interval" property from the Execution group as indicated in topic: "TAG Properties"
Database Settings
The advanced settings for additional I/O Data Server configuring can be accessed through the I/O Data Server's Properties Window. A major part of the setting parameters have already been set with a default value, which is considered an optimal value to use in most cases, but can be changed according to your specific needs.
Max. Event Event Log Archive Age
This is used to set the max. length of time that data can remain in the Event Log.
Default Historian Connection (Advanced)
This is used to set the default connection string to which all the resources based on the historians will report.
Default Event Log Connection (Advanced)
Sets the predefined connection to be used by all the resources based on the Event log.
Max. Concurrent Historian Accesses (Advanced)
This is used to set the maximum number of concurrent accesses to the server's historian side. Once this limit has been exceeded, subsequent access requests will be suspended until one of the accesses in progress has concluded.
Historian Retry Waiting Time (Advanced)
This is used to set the time in seconds to wait between one DB connection attempt and the next.
Max. Historian Retries (Advanced)
This is used to set the maximum number of historian access retries before flushing data in the cache to a local text file.
Max. Records in Error (Advanced)
This is used to set the max. number of records in error in the cache. Once this limit is exceeded, all records pending a new database entry attempt will be flushed to a text file in XML format in the local disk where the server is running.
Min. Records in Cache (Advanced)
This is used to set the minimum number of records in the cache pending database entry, below which will be flushed to a local text file in XML format.
Max. Records in Cache (Advanced)
This is used to set the maximum number of records in the cache pending database entry. Once this limit has been reached, the new records will be entered in the cache predisposed to flush data to local text files in XML format. In the event that this limit is reached in the second cache, the records will be irretrievably lost.
Max. Record Deletions (Advanced )
This is used to set the maximum number of records to be deleted from the database upon every maximum database age control check.
Max. History Deletion Processes (Advanced)
This is used to set the max. number of historical data deletion processes in the Database to be run simultaneously.
Max. History Restoration Processes (Advanced)
This is used to set the max. number of processes to be run simultaneously to restore historical data..
Max. History Flush File Size (Advanced)
Maximum size in MBytes of all Flush files. Once this limit has been reached, the oldest files exceeding this value will be permanently removed. This will be traced in the log with this message: "The maximum size of safe files allowed has been exceeded causing the permanent removal of some files from path '{0}' !”
Max. Alarm Events (Advanced)
Sets the maximum number of alarm events to be loaded in the buffer.
Max. History Continuation Points (Advanced)
Maximum number of continuation points (as above) used for HistoryRead operations.
Enable Data File Protection
This property field is used when wishing to protect audit recordings from tampering, unintentional or intentional modifications of any kind. This is done by inserting a column with encrypted data in the UFUAAuditDataItem table. The information contained in this column will prevent the mishandling of sensitive data recordings without compromising data integrity.
Default Audit Trail Connection (Advanced)
This property field is used to set a different connection string as an alternative to the one used by the project for default and represented by the Historian Default connection string in the IO Data Server's general settings. When set it will be defined with an alternative database within which a UFUAAuditDataItem table will be created to trace recordings of those tags being audited.
This section contains various configurable redundancy properties and options. For further information on editable properties in this section please refer to the chapter on "Redundancy Settings".
OPC UA Server Option
Parameter settings for sessions to be managed by the server in client-server communications.
Min. Publishing Interval Time
This is used to set the minimum time in ms to publish data supported by the Server.
The server resets the subscriptions that have a lower interval than this value. The value returned by the server in a subscription indicates when value in the server is updated with the field value.
Publishing Resolution
This is used to set the minimum time difference in ms between the cilent and server data publishing times according to the OPC UA specifications.
Max. Session Timeout (Advanced)
This is used to set the maximum time in ms with which a Client session will remain open in the absence of Server communication. It is advised to leave this set with the default value.
Min. Session Timeout (Advanced)
This is used to set the minimum time in ms with which a Client session will remain open in the absence of Server communication. It is advised to leave this set with the default value.
Max. Session Count (Advanced)
This is used to set the maximum number of client session that can be opened on the server.
Max. Browse Continuation Points (Advanced)
This used to set the maximum number of continuation points to be used for browsing operations by clients towards the Server.
The “continuation point” is needed to perform a subsequent request to the server to retrieve remaining information. In fact, the amount of information received by the client might be incomplete due to a limited maximum amount of information that the client can receive for each individual interrogation.
Max. Request Age (Advanced)
This parameter indicates the maximum difference in ms for validating communication jobs between the I/O Data Server and the relative remote client. The default value is 600000.
The "APPDIR>\UFUAServer.UAServer.Config.xml" file, which contains the default value for new projects, is read upon the opening of the development environment. This value will only be set for new projects in the "Max. Request Age" parameter in the advanced I/O Data Server properties.
Max. Publishing Interval (Advanced)
This is used to set the maximum time in ms to publish data supported by the Server.
The server resets the subscriptions that have a lower interval than this value. The value returned by the server in a subscription indicates when the value in the server will be updated with the field value.
Max. Subscription Lifetime (Advanced)
Defines how long subscriptions can remain open without being published by client.
Max. Message Queue Size (Advanced)
Defines the maximum number of messages saved in the queue for each subscription.
Max. Notification Queue Size (Advanced)
Defines the maximum number of notifications saved in the queue for each monitored item.
Max. Notification Per Publish (Advanced)
Defines the maximum number of notifications saved in the queue for each publication.
Min. Metadata Sampling Interval (Advanced)
Defines the minimum metadata sampling interval.